Sunday 12 May 2013

Press One Button & Start Getting 1000′s of Twitter Followers !!

Twitter is no doubt one of the top social networking sites and getting on top in micro blogging service that allows us send and read our friends’ updates or tweets.

Following other people in any social site is as easy as eating cake :p.
But it looks really bad when you see your own “People following you” list BLANK!

After understanding “What is twitter” second thing that twitter users find disturbing is “How to make people follow you?”, so that they can read your tweets. :) is the site I found yesterday while surfing. Which will definitely help in getting twitter followers.
So, if you are a twitter user, then this site may interest you!

After signing in with your actual twitter ID, Tweetergetter instantly adds 6 followers to your twitter account.
Twittergetter works on referrals system.
After signup you’ll get a unique link from tweetergetter.


If you have seen referral system working before, then you must know this works stage by stage.
You sign up first,give others your unique ID, person A signing up through your ID puts you in Stage 2. Another Person B signs up through person’s A ID puts you in stage 3 and Person A in Stage 2 and so on..

Simple.. isn’t it.
In this way you go up 5 levels. By the time you reach the 5th position (top position), you will have thousands of followers in your twitter account !!!
Now, I think you should visit the site now yourself, all these information is written on the home page there.
Plz click here
Good Luck ! :-D

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