Sunday 12 May 2013

Implement Adsense Revenue-Sharing in Multi-Author Blogger/Blogspot Blogs

If you have multiple authors on your blog then you can share the earnings exactly on the individual’s percentage of the actual adsense revenue generated from articles that they have written.
Revenue sharing program on a blog, lets all the authors to put their own adsense ads inside the articles they write. In this way, an administrator doesn’t have to pay its writers a fixed amount or share revenue from one adsense account on the basis of pageviews; when the admin and authors have their own separate adsense accounts, revenue sharing scheme eliminates the hassle of sharing the revenue equally and everybody gets his share with justness.
< imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">

Unfortunately, users find it difficult to integrate this scheme in their blogs as there is no such support of plugins like in wordpress. But on the other hand blogger blog and it’s template is so customizable and flexible that you can customize and edit each and every bit of it.
By making some small changes in your blogger blog’s template you can implement a revenue sharing scheme without having any expertise.
Note: It is assumed here that the ads on which you’re implementing revenue sharing, are INSIDE the blog posts. All the changes in the templates are explained below are for ads inside blog posts. If you don’t know how to put adsense ads inside your blogger blog posts read here.
1. Sign in to you
2. Go to Layout > Edit HTML
3. Tick “Expand Widget Templates”
4. Find (ctrl+f) for :
If you already have ads installed, then you just need to add some conditional tags around them. Otherwise learn how to install ads first and then come to this page to go with further installation.
Now depending on the placement of the ads (above or below the post’ text), you will find your adsense ads’ code.
5. Just replace ads code with this:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond=' == &quot;AUTHOR1Name&quot;'>
Insert Ad Code for AUTHOR1 here (first author)
<b:if cond=' == &quot;AUTHOR2Name&quot;'>
Insert Ad Code for AUTHOR2 here (second author)
<!-- Add many ad codes for different authors as you want above this line -->

Repeat the above step and add the conditional tags for each individual author of your blog.
Remember to replace AUTHOR1Name and AUTHOR2Name (and anyone else) with actual and exact Display Names of the authors and insert their actual ad codes.
6. Save Template.
Now to verify that correct ads are shown for different authors, visit posts created by various authors of your blog.
Leave comments if you find any difficulty in implementing this.

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