Sunday 12 May 2013 Introduced Popular Posts and Blog Stats Gadgets finally introduced two new exciting gadgets  – Popular Posts and Blog’s Stats. Both the gadgets can be added straight from gadget directory  by simply clicking “Add a gadget” from page elements page.
Blogger Popular Posts Widget
The Popular Posts gadget will automatically find and display your blog’s posts that have the most pageviews.  You can optionally choose whether to display image thumbnails or post snippets in addition to the post title. You can also choose the time window to be used for calculating pageviews and the number of posts you’d like to display.
The Blog’s Stats gadget lets you show off pageview data of your blog, with a handful of configuration options that are easily controlled. You can choose from a variety of styles and display options to suit your blog. You have an option to select the time window to be used for calculating pageviews.
Blogger Blogs Stats Gadget

I’d say both the gadgets are very useful and long awaited. Specially the Popular Posts was the most demanded of all time and I’m sure blogger users would be exited to add these in their blogs.
[via Blogger Buzz]

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