Sunday 12 May 2013

Blogger Update: New Default Sharing Buttons

Blogger has recently introduced the sharing buttons for buzz, twitter and facebook plus an email button. Now you don’t need to open up the template’s code, install any script or widget at all. The new buttons can now be installed by going to the Design > Page Elements page of your blogger account. Click “edit” under Blog Posts widgets and check “show share buttons” to enable the buttons.
Buttons can be seen under each post and let your blog readers easily share your post via email, Blogger, and popular social networks—Blogger currently supports Google Buzz, Twitter, and Facebook, and planning to add more services in the future.
For Twitter, they integrated the their own URL shortener “” to give you the maximum space in the Tweet to add your own remarks.
In my opinion the change is good but would be lot more better if more sharing options were offered. However, for beginners these quick sharing buttons are just few clicks away to install now. For my blog I’m sticking with my current third party buttons until more or atleast popular sharing options (like digg, stumbleupon, reddit etc) are embedded.
[via Blogger Buzz]

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